President: Dr Daniel V. Dungca
VP: Dr Gracia Cielo E. Balce
Secretary: Dr Chastity Amor V. Rejuso-Morales
Treasurer: Dr Jose Ramon C. Pascual lll
PRO: Dr Rosalyn P. Flores
President Emeritus: Dr Juanito S. Javier
Atutubo, Cosette Esmeralda C.
Carag, John Alistair V.
Castillo, Jose Rommel Roman C.
Decenteceo-Ricardo, Ana Cristina D.
Dela Cruz, Ruel A.
Diaz, Hilario M.
Flores, Rosalyn P.
Leung, Jean Pierre F.
Morales, Agustin Miguel G.
Tabladillo, Stephen B.
Torredes, Reggie A.
History (2009)
Since the introduction of the Methods of Ilizarov in the Philippines in the mid- 1990s, there has been a growing interest among Filipino orthopaedic surgeons in the application of these methods for various conditions, ranging from simple trauma to more complex limb deformity and bony deficiencies.
The results of early works by Drs. Juanito Javier and Agustin Miguel Morales further inspired other orthopaedic surgeons to try and learn more about the Methods of Ilizarov. An Ilizarov and Limb Deformity Services were formally established in 1995 at the Department of Orthopaedics of the University of the Philippine General Hospital. Realizing the potential of its numerous applications, more and more orthopaedic surgeons trained and gained experience here and abroad on the Ilizarov method. They started to informally meet and share these experiences to further refine their techniques as well as promote further interest in these methods. These meetings became more frequent, and in January 2002, the group decided to form itself into the Association for the Study and Application of the Methods of Ilizarov in the Philippines (ASAMI Philippines).
A constitution was drafted for the association and was ratified by the founding members in September of that year. Elected as founding president was Dr. Juanito Javier from the Philippine General Hospital, who is also concurrently the president of the ASEAN-ASAMI. In December 2002, the association was formally recognized as a sub-speciality society of the Philippine Orthopaedic Association, Inc. In the span of two years since its inception, the ASAMI-Philippines has proven itself to be one of the most active subspecialty societies of the POA. It has conducted annual course offerings on the Ilizarov methods in various parts of the country for consultants and residents-in training, participated with other sub-specialty societies in their workshops, assisted in limb reconstruction surgeries in the different provinces, and engaged in regular case discussions for the benefit of its members. At present, the association is also developing treatment protocols for various conditions that would benefit from the Ilizarov method, as well as establishing a nationwide network for data gathering on Ilizarov cases.
In the future, ASAMI-Philippines is looking at contributing new and better uses for the Methods of Ilizarov to the international orthopaedic community.
- Daniel V. Dungca, M.D., FPOA (November 2004)